Friday, March 5

"First Post" - What to Expect

This blog will be various odd things that I think of.  The title is a good example.

What Is The Peterson Model?
I had a dream a few nights ago, I don't remember the exact details, but there was some new device that was at "the Peterson Model" stage.  First you have an idea, then at some point you make a prototype to see if it is at all practical.  A little later you would have the Beta Phase, where a wider audience tries it out and give you feedback. Then, in my dream, you make the Peterson Model, which is like a test version of the final product.

I don't know why I called it that.  That's just the way dreams are.

Anyway.  I don't plan to have any specific schedule of updates.  Whenever I have new ideas, or decide to write about old ones.  That's enough for this intro.  See y'all later.


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