Monday, January 3

Drinking with יֵשׁוּ‎ on Christmas ?

Hi again.  Rereading the previous post "mostly things are opening, or fully open again", that is kind of true, but it's far from over.  The Omicron variant is fast spreading, and many things (especially flights) are getting cancelled.  Most people seem to be going maskless.  Not a good thing.

Yes, we bought the house in August (well, there is a mortgage).  We love it!
Not long after I moved to Dayton (before the millennium) my sister (et al) bought a new house.  Over the years there was a swing set the wore out and was discarded, different trees and things that happen to them, some fences were replaced with different ones, the neighbors did some construction, etc, etc.  So many changes, so many of them unexpected.  I said too bad you didn't take a picture of your yard every month, besides the seasons you would have a sort of movie of what was and what it became.

When her son (who played on the aforementioned swing set) bought a house [since his wedding was postponed due to covid, he said I'll use Wedding Budget to buy a house, and next year's planned House Budget to have a wedding], I told him about this, and recommended he find some angle, and take a monthly picture, just something that shows the yard plus some neighbors or street or anything else.  He liked the idea and set a monthly reminder on some eCalendar.

So naturally since we bought a house, I am doing it also.  I take 2 pictures from the front, and 2 from the back.  Photos at end of post

For X-mas we went to dinner with Rose and the Hagans +1 to a Chinese restaurant - Fu Mon Lau.  I highly recommend it.
On the menu was a coconut drink named Yeshu, how appropriate for the day! I had to order it.  But I think the one they brought out was a different brand.


In other food news: I got another advent calendar (no photos) - Ilchester Cheeses, 24 days, 9 flavors.  For a few days we would open 1 and split it, after a while I opened all the remaining doors and divided the cheeses into 2 piles, for me and for Lisa.

  • mexicana cheddar (did not like at all)
  • cheddar w/apple, onion, sage (did not care for)
  • 1
  • applewood (and vintage) smoked (reminds me of bacon, not in a good way)
  • double gloucester (v. good)
  • cheddar (and vintage) (v. good)
  • red leicester (and aged) (v. good)
overall, though, it was fun.

Bedroom view Porch view - out Porch view - down Garage view
2021-08 - first pictures, to test.
2021-09 - first pictures, really, in the series
2021-10 - nothing much changed
2021-11 - colors changed rather quickly.  trees were trimmed, stairs removed.
2021-12 - Many bare trees.
2022-01 - nothing much changed